Early-Career Scholars Panel at the XII Conference on the Future of Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems


University of Bologna, 17 May 2023

The Conference

The topic of bias in criminal justice is becoming of primary importance in modern democracies. On the one hand, the principle that any justice system must not only be impartial, but also appear so to an outside eye (as long as properly informed), is well established. On the other hand, this very objective seems increasingly difficult to achieve.

The causes that may endanger an impartial course of justice are indeed very numerous, and it is impossible to make a complete list/list them all. Among them worth mentioning are factors such as race or gender or political orientations. Other elements such as the role of the media, and especially social media, perhaps less considered in the past, are now gaining prominence. Further causes of bias may also hidden in factors designed to improve the administration of justice, such the aim to increase efficiency in handling criminal cases. Eventually, the shifting of criminal justice toward preventive justice may also well be a cause of bias, even more thanks/especially in light of the development and use of AI systems.

The conference organized by the group “The Future of Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems” intends to critically examine new and old factors that undermine the causes that may endanger an impartial course in the administration of criminal justice, from a comparative perspective and in the light of normative systems that are highly interconnected.

The conference will take place over three days, from 17 to 19 May 2023 at the at Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna, Italy.

Early-Career Scholars Call

The panel of May 17th will be dedicated to early-career scholars. To this end, the organisers together with the Young Penalists Committee will select 5 papers to be presented at the conference.

Proposals can be submitted until March 5th, 2023, at the following email address: ypc@youngpenalists.com.

Applicants wishing to participate must submit an abstract of no less than 500 words and no more than 800, together with a CV.

The outcome of the selection will be published by 18 March 2023 on this website.

Candidates whose abstract will be selected will be invited to Bologna, to present their paper at the conference. The organisers will cover the costs of travel, accommodation and meals for the duration of the event.